"Call Me Mama" TV Series Opening Titles
Our "new" work, which we have made in 2016, and waited for it's premiere. Finally, it was sold to another TV channel (Russia TV), changed...

New Footage
We shoot footages

"St. Andrew's Flag" Opening Titles
New Series opening title sequence

Alex the fierce tv series Opening Titles
Opening Titles for the new TV Series "Alex the Fierce"

The TECHIE opening titles
"Techie" new criminal TV series Opening Titles by DiMarina design group.

UPgradez street dance academy
Just made the video-header for UPgradez street dance academy for youtube channel.

TRIGGER series Opening Titles
The Trigger TV Series are online with our with Dmitry Semyonov Main Title Sequence.

Our titles for COP series are on Art Of The Title
Our titles for COP series are included to the Art of the Title collection. It is great honor for us. Hope to submit several more works...

COP opening titles on air
We design film titles, and here is our new work for the COP series by Sreda production company.

We Make Titles
Small Opening Titles reel by DiMarina designgroup